Saturday, October 13, 2012

1 year down, forever to go...

Will and I celebrated our first anniversary last weekend! It is crazy how time flies I feel like we have been married for 2 months, not a whole year! This year has been quite the adventure but the best adventure I've had yet! I cannot wait for what the future holds for us and I can't wait for the many more anniversaries we'll get to celebrate.
Will took me to the roof for dinner on Friday night and then surprised me with a trip to Park City on Saturday, it was low key and just perfect! I kinda like him...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Little Visit to the ER

We went boating up at pineview a few weeks ago with my family. And Will had a little accident. He was doing a super cool trick with the surf board by twirling it around, it was impressive until he dropped in on his toe. Sliced the thing right open...
Earned himself 6 stitches. I have never had stitches before so I wanted to watch but at the same time it was super gross so I just had to peek a few times...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Birthday Boy

Will turned 22 a few weeks ago and I planned a few surprises for him. Too bad I can't keep a secret. We attempted to have a surprise birthday dinner with friends but I had to tell him about it when he said he refused to eat after 4 or 5 pm because fast Sunday was the following day.

Attempted surprise dinner. Thanks friends for coming anyways :)
We topped off the great birthday weekend with some paint balling with the Oborn clan.
It will be hard to beat this year next year. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

New at this whole "Blogging" thing...

I have never blogged before so I decided I should try out this big hype. I like the idea of using it as a journal slash scrapbook, something for me to look back on to remember our newlywed lives together. And since we don't have a facebook anymore I thought this would be a better place to document our lives since not everyone and their dog will be looking at our blog.